Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Yassa yattha vedanākkhandho nūppajjissati tassa tattha saññākkhandho na nirujjhissatīti? Pacchimabhavikānaṃ upapajjantānaṃ tesaṃ tattha vedanākkhandho nūpjjissati, no ca tesaṃ tattha saññākkhandho na nirujjhissati. Parinibbantānaṃ asaññasattānaṃ tesaṃ tattha vedanākkhandho ca nūppajjissati saññākkhandho ca na nirujjhissati. Translation: Q. Feeling aggregate will not arise to this person at this plane. Will perception aggregate not cease to that person at that plane? A. To those at the birth-moment of final-existence persons feeling aggregate will not arise at that plane; (it is) not that perception aggregate will not cease to those persons at that plane. To those at the death-moment of final-existence persons and to those non-percipient beings, feeling aggregate will not arise and also perception aggregate will not cease at that plane. Pali Text: Yassa vā pana yattha saññākkhandho na nirujjhissati tassa tattha vedanākkhandho nūppajjissatīti? Āmantā. Translation: Q. Perception aggregate will not cease to this person at this plane. Will feeling aggregate not arise to that person at that plane? A. Yes.

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